I don't normally talk about other people, I have always been self-centered, but something about these past few days got me interested about gossips again!
Being a keen observer in this world, it's rather simple to figure people out! For example, it is easy to tell that a person is in love by the way he/she speaks about someone, you can always see the enthusiasm!
I have observed a lot with my friends, I just don't talk because I don't want to speculate! But something really bothered me 2 weeks ago and I can't help but share it. This is true.
So I will talk about this girl, she and I are very close and before you speculate, let me tell you first and foremost: this story is not about US, it is about HERS.
She and I are very close friends, obviously, though we don't see each other every day. But this girl, she really knows how to keep a secret. To her surprise though, I am an observer and I know how to work around people!
Her secret? Well, she is madly in love with someone, someone I know. I figured out the name of the guy, it was always my speculation that there was something going on around with the two every time I was with him.
Remember what I said about enthusiasm? Yeah, he keeps talking about her, but during that time, I had no doubts they were just good friends. I already had my little amount of speculation though, but that was like 4 months ago already.
I put that speculation to rest because I don't want a good friendship ruined, you know, manufactured romance is not good based on my experience (mmhmm)!
However, 2 weeks ago, she opened it up, and to my utmost delight, my speculation turned out to be correct! She is blaming it all to the guy, for giving her motifs that he liked her, even though he shouldn't! The guy seems like he has no idea how he makes this girl feel!
Now it is always our topic every time I get to see the girl.
Some people have their ways of surprising me, and I bet that the next paragraphs will surprise you too! She has taken everything into SIGNS.
To try her luck, she asked for a sign to confirm that the guy indeed has the same feeling towards her, kind of silly but some people do it this way!
First sign:
She was riding her way home around 9 pm, she asked God for a sign, "Lord, if I see someone in a red shirt when I get out of this jeepney, then he is really into me!" When she arrived to her destination, horror struck her eyes like lightning, someone in a motorcycle shoot past right in front of her eyes, and you guessed it, the guy was wearing a red shirt!
Now that could basically happen to any of us, it's very coincidental, but to her, she's still not convinced! (However, you can almost feel for her, she must be delighted!)
She looked at the contacts saved on her phone, she saw someone (a guy) who has not contacted her for more than a year already, so she asked God, "Lord, this is almost impossible but if this guy will message me within this day, then my crush is really into me!" Not 3 short hours later, she received a wrong-sent message from the guy!
This really caught me off-guard when she told me! It's not like every day things like this happen, but she still doesn't want to believe it.
And so, she asked for another, "one last time" she told herself, a very spontaneous one:
It was 8 pm, she was walking around insert place here on her way home, she asked God again "If I see him right here, right now, then Lord, it is really true that our feelings are mutual!" And to her horror, she can't believe it (she almost passed out) when she saw him at insert place right after she asked for a sign.
Well, that seemed really hard to believe, I was like, "Are you conjuring some story to make you feel better?", but I trust this girl, she is not like the one who tell lies!
After every thing that happened, she still doesn't want to confront him. "He's just a good friend," she told me. But surely, the signs must have meant something. Or am I being too optimistic?
I'll leave her story there, time for the side notes.
Sometimes, love will make us do silly things. And we do these things to make ourselves feel good, we keep hoping that these signs are true so that we have something to hold on to for ourselves rather than confront someone and examine their true feelings.
This, I have learned in these past few days: YOU WILL NEVER GET ANYWHERE IF YOU KEEP ON WAITING.
No, I'm not going to be the bridge between the two. I would rather make her a real life Forrest Gump.
No, I'm not going to be the bridge between the two. I would rather make her a real life Forrest Gump.
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